
  1. 主頁
  2. 常見問題

「優語苑」創設了純英文的環境,有利於孩子建立英語思維,形成英語語感。在潛移默化中由”聽”自然過渡到”說。透過Skype,孩子會放膽的說, 逐步建立起英語聽說讀寫的自信。家長也能直接參與學員教學活動,拉近與孩子彼此間的距離,增進親子感情,讓家裡處處是歡笑。


【3~6歲】 幼兒正處於啟蒙時期,對周圍的新鮮事物充滿了好奇。「優語苑」結合幼兒的心智特點,將遊戲、歌曲、 故事等多種元素融入課堂之中,以營造一種趣味十足的學習環境,從而讓幼兒們玩得開心、學得輕鬆。

【7~15歲】 幼兒進入國民義務教育之小學中學階段,開始系統地學習知識。「優語苑」針對這個年齡層的個性化需求,運用角色扮演、 看圖說話、問答互動等教學方法,由發音逐步過渡到詞彙、語法、閱讀、寫作的學習。並運用情境教學法,使教學生活化。

【16~18歲】 高中生將面臨升學進入大學這個知識殿堂,英語學習將成為重點科目。「優語苑」為廣大的高中生提供了英語學習平台, 讓學員們可以籍由與外籍老師聊天學習之餘,也能了解國外的風俗民情、經濟文化、教育制度等信息,以培養全球視野。




12-Day Program
Conversation/Basic English for Beginners
30 Minutes / class
Book: Side By Side 1

Day 1: Introducing Oneself
Objective: To be able to introduce and give information about oneself confidently
Day 2: The Classroom
Objective: To be able to describe the things in the classroom and their uses
Day 3: At home
Objective: To be able to identify the different rooms and areas in the house
Day 4: Everyday Activities
Objective: To be able to say daily activities using the Present Continuous of Verbs
Day 5: Short Answers
Objective: To be able to give correct short answers to questions
Day 6: Describing People and Things
Objective: To be able to use appropriate adjectives to describe people and things
Day 7: Weather
Objective: To be able to describe different weather conditions
Day 8: Family
Objective: to be able to talk about one’s family
Day 9: Places
Objective: To be able to learn the correct prepositions in explaining different places
Day 10: Singular/Plural
Objective: To be able to use nouns in making sentences correctly
Day 11: Clothing
Objective: To be able to name different clothing items and colors
Day 12: Languages and Nationalities
Objective: To be able to use Simple Present tense to state facts

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